Art and Uncertainty | personal news

Dear Friends and Supporters of Curious Matter,
We’ve always endeavored to present exhibitions, experiences, and conversations that are provocative, thoughtful, and engaging. Historically, our group exhibition themes were inspired by our own art practices, or simply ideas we imagined other artists and our audience would find compelling — from the magic and meaning of relics (Sanctus), to shadowy phantoms (Nyktomorph) or the heights of enlightenment (The Ecstatic). These were often expansive shows presenting as many as thirty artists, sometimes in our intimate gallery, or in collaboration with other institutions — Proteus Gowanus in Brooklyn, the Jersey City Free Public Library, Art House Gallery among them. More recently we’ve delved deeper into the work of two and three extraordinary artists at a time with shows such as to some point true and unproven, and Where Is Here.
We appreciate when our curatorial work is cited for its intellectual rigor. For us each show is spiritual and emotional as well. Everything about our art and curatorial practices relates to how we experience, process, and express ourselves in the world. Our work and our program are always deeply personal. As such, today we are sharing some very personal news.
We are facing health challenges. Since February Arthur has been experiencing extreme pain. The symptoms were those of sciatica, and time was the recommended healing. However, the pain has persisted, and other complications have since been revealed. Tests have shown the likelihood of prostate cancer. We’re in the midst of many doctor and physical therapy visits, tests and an upcoming biopsy for additional information. Arthur’s mobility is limited, and our world is a narrow place. Days and nights are spent counting minutes to the next pain medication. The degree and relentlessness of pain Arthur is enduring is more than I can bear to describe.
Neither of us are accustomed or inclined to share this degree of personal information, but somehow a sequestered suffering seems both martyring and unwelcoming to those I know would want to show empathy and support. Both of which Arthur certainly deserves and has earned. These agonizing days have us confronting the vulnerability of our lives and beliefs. For me I can’t help asking if the universe understood I could never be strong enough to endure the pain Arthur is experiencing.
Our gallery plans as they were, have been paused but we are not closing. We remain committed to harnessing our creative, generative energy through this current challenge. We have faith something unexpected will manifest in our gallery because of this. We had been in the process of updating our website to make it responsive across devices and more easily navigable. That process is still in the works and viewable at Also, to note, our email address is now Please update and include us on your mailing lists.  
Remarkably, in moments when the pain is at a lower ebb Arthur continues to work on a series of photos and an essay on prehistoric flight. Conversations about what we can do next at Curious Matter continue. Our work will continue. If you are inclined to make a donation, we appreciate it more than can be expressed. Your support in whatever form is deeply appreciated. We wish you all the best and a reminder of every small pleasure we may forget to cherish.
As ever, Raymond (and Arthur)
co-founders Curious Matter


An Abundance of Thanks


New website for Curious Matter