An Abundance of Thanks

Dear Friends,
The wave of support we’ve received in response to our news of Arthur’s health challenges has been bountiful and beautiful — calls and emails of support, offers of transportation, the running of errands, meals, and donations through Fractured Atlas. We are profoundly grateful. We’ve felt held, loved, fortified, and as a result cathartic release knowing we have so much generosity surrounding us. Deepest thanks.
Since we last wrote advanced prostate cancer has in fact been confirmed. With that, we have a course of treatment from a team with whom we are confident as we live with this new reality. We’ll share the brighter news that Arthur’s pain is much better managed, and his mobility improved.
These past months have been sequestered and small, but the various therapies have brought some relief and have made more activity possible. We recently visited the Museum of Natural History so that Arthur could photograph the Constantin Astori Pterosaur mural for his most recent essay. Arthur’s typically charming approach weaves together art history, museology, paleontology, pop culture, and the origins of childhood dinosaur obsession.
We’ll be writing more regarding Curious Matter soon. Until then, profound thanks for the support we are receiving in so many forms during this challenging time. It is all deeply valued and appreciated.
With all the best wishes in the world,
Raymond + Arthur

Raymond E. Mingst  |  Arthur Bruso
co-founders, Curious Matter


Curious Matter presents Returning


Art and Uncertainty | personal news